Thursday, April 23, 2020

What Is Vapor's Tongue? Ways to Fix It

This can happen to any vaper, and there are no set reasons as to we know why it possibly could have happened. But we know for sure that it's disturbing whenever it happens. It takes away the entire flavor from our mouth. We tried looking for it, but the only way we could explain it is with our experience and customer feedbacks. There are some general scenarios though that may have caused this.

Vaping the same Liquid: Vaping one same very strong flavor, for a very long time and very frequently can cause vapor's tongue. For example it can happen if you vape the same mint flavor for a very long time without changing.

Health: This can also occur if we are not feeling well, mostly in cases of cough and cold or fever. Our body automatically diminishes our flavor receptors till the time we heal completely.

Dirty coils: After continuous use of the coils, there's a lot of junk that get's deposited on the coils. This residue causes our taste buds to perceive lesser flavors.

Dehydration: VG and PG are also known to absorb moisture. They can also cause a thin layer on the tongue, causing the taste buds to perceive lesser flavors.

Old E-liquid: E-liquids also come with expiration date. Lot of times those old liquids can put a bad effect on our taste buds.

Experimenting: Trying too many liquids in a short duration can also cause vapor tongue? A lot of experimenting can create confusion in your taste buds.
Ways to fix it.

There is actually no medicine available for Vape Tongue, and there is no set formula. It's mostly on our own hygiene and habits. However, curing the symptom is actually very easy. These involve the steps mentioned below, plus a little patience.

Staying Hydrated: Keep yourself hydrated that is not just good for vaping, but also for overall heath. Being hydrated while vaping removes that extra layer that might form on your tongue, and you enjoy better flavors.

Keep the Device Clean: That's more or less hygiene. The cleaner the object, the better the experience that we will get.
Health: Try to avoid vaping while you are sick. Give your body some rest, and opportunity to recover.

Switching: Keep 2-3 flavors, and keep switching them in a day. That will keep your taste buds interested in the new stuff it is going to experience.

The good news: The good news, after quitting cigarettes, your body might automatically block your senses, but that's a road to recovery. You should be happy about it. The taste will return shortly.

Cleanliness: Clean your tongue properly. Use strong flavored food like lemon, citrus, dark chocolate, and then allow your tongue to be normal.

Wait out: If nothing works, then has patience. Give up vaping for a day or two, and then you can enjoy the flavors after recovering completely.

Vaping is good, but excess of anything is bad. If we maintain a healthy balance, we can thoroughly enjoy the vape experience and can stay away from symptoms like these. Vaping is more like experience. The experience of enjoying the flavor, the cloud is all about our taste and how we enjoy.

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